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遵法経営 レポートする


※ サムスン電気は個人情報保護法などの関係法律に従い、個人情報を収集・利用する際には情報主体(情報提供者)に事前に知らせ、これに対する同意を求めます。

1. Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

It is for assigning an appropriate person in charge for the customer's inquiry, verifying the reported facts, or replying to the customer's inquiries and reports. The collected personal data will not be used for any purpose other than specified, and if the purpose of its collection is changed, the user will be notified thereof in advance and his or her consent will be sought.

2. Personal Information We Collect
  • Required Items : None
  • Optional Items : First Name, Last Name, Company, Contact Number, E-mail
  • Information Automatically Collected : IP (Internet Protocol), Cookies, Access log
3. Terms of Retention and Usage of Personal Information

In principle your information will be immediately destroyed upon achievement of purpose of collecting personal information. However, the data is retained for one year so that it may be used as evidence for consultation processing details and as data for generating FAQs for duplicate inquiries. Also, we are entitled to retain your personal information as provided by the relevant law.

※ You have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal data, and even if you do not agree, there are no restrictions on reporting 'compliance breaches' (anonymous reporting is possible). However, if you refuse to consent, your report on 'compliance breaches' may not be processed in a timely manner.

I have read the above and agree to the collection and use of personal information.


※ 情報提供者の秘密保障を原則としており、レポートされる方の姓名と連絡先は記載しなくても構いませんが、連絡先を記載される場合は迅速且つ正確な調査に役立ちます。レポート内容に対する処理結果は最大限早くお電話や電子メールにてご回答致します。

* 必須入力項目

  • 添付ファイル

    • ※ jpg、jpeg、gif、png、bmp、doc、docx、hwp、xls、xlsx、zip、pdf、ppt、pptx 形式のみ。
    • ※ ファイルサイズ10MBまでアップロード可能。
    • ※ ファイル添付時には個人情報にご注意下さい。
  • -

    Ex) +81 31-1234-1234, +81 03112341234

レポート先電話 : +82-31-8093-8897、電子メール : compliance.semco@samsung.com

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